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Development with DevSpace

You can start using DevSpace with your Argonaut applications much faster with the art cli commands. art CLI creates a layer of abstraction over some of the most commonly used DevSpace commands so that you can get started quickly.


Ensure that you have the following installed before using DevSpace with any Argonaut application.

  • Docker
  • Kubectl CLI
  • DevSpace CLI
  • The latest version of Art CLI

Use DevSpace in a New Application

1. Checkout code

Checkout your code using git and cd to the project directory.

2. Initialize Project

Run the following in your application directory to create a devspace.yaml config file for your project.

art devspace-init --env <environment> --cluster <cluster> --app <app>

After running art devspace-init with the required parameters, you'll see a devspace.yaml file in your project. The command generates this config based on its knowledge of how you’ve configured your application on Argonaut.

3. Start Development

Run the following command to start development mode:

devspace dev

art devspace commands work only with applications onboarded on Argonaut.

Changing DevSpace Context

If you want to tell DevSpace to change the kube context for your Argonaut application (assuming you’re already running DevSpace development mode in another context), run the following:

art devspace-context --env <environment-name> --cluster <cluster-name> --app <argonaut-app-name>

You can immediately start development in the new context without having to run any more commands. The art devspace-context command implicitly sets the profile, context and namespace for your application based its knowledge of your application setup.

Advanced DevSpace Commands

For advanced configuration using DevSpace, use DevSpace CLI.