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art app kube deploy

Deploy an application using Argonaut


Pass the art.yaml file corresponding to your application. The command uses this art.yaml file to deploy your application.

art app kube deploy -f FILENAME [flags]


art app deploy -f art.yaml


      --appName string           App name for the app. Only required if '--custom' is passed
--chart string Chart for the app pass as 'repoName/chartName'. Only required if '--custom' is passed
--chartVersion string Chart version for the app. Only required if '--custom' is passed
--clusterName string Cluster name for the app. Only required if '--custom' is passed
--custom Custom values file, pass this if you are using a custom values file
-d, --dryRun Dry Run, defaults to false if not provided
--environmentName string Environment name for the app. Only required if '--custom' is passed
-f, --file string File path for art.yaml file or custom values file
-h, --help help for deploy
--region string Region for the app. Only required if '--custom' is passed
--repoUrl string Repo URL for the helm repo. Only required if '--custom' is passed
--set strings key value pair to provide overrides for the art.yaml file
--wait --wait=false will wait until all Pods, PVCs, Services, and minimum number of Pods of a Deployment, StatefulSet, or ReplicaSet are in a ready state before marking the deploy as successful. Add --wait=false or `--wait` to set values

Options inherited from parent commands

      --key string       art key (clientID you get when a token is generated from the ui)
--profile string art profile (default "default")
--secret string art secret (secret you get when a token is generated from the ui)


Auto generated by spf13/cobra on 29-Nov-2022